- MUSIC LABEL -Joan and Adrien launched WTM Label (Welcome To Masomenos)in 2008 with the release of their first bootleg/compilation CD “costes presents…Bon voyage”. They started then producing a lot of musical and visual content and soon realised that they could release it by creating their own label. Their first project was “The Masomenos Live Mix”, a serie of 8 vinyls and mixed cds. They kept on releasing project like this, encapsulating their work over a period of time and released The Third Eye (2009), Balloons (2011), Technocolor (2012), Tofidi (2013) and Animata (2014). Meanwhile, we had an ongoing serie of Masomenos&friends that welcomed production in collaboration with various artists. Totem and Tabou album came out only as promo cd and digital to support the seamingly called installation. M7TH album came out a vinyl release illustrated by a serie of see the music videos. Their latest album, Upa was release on Automatic Writting.
Soon after releasing “Bon Voyage”, they started to tour in clubs and festivals around the world as performers and DJs. When they first met, they had on one hand a DJ playing her favorite
music, and on the other hand a compositor/producer who played his own music.
So they decided to set up a live show including this two different acts.
With the experience, by touring and performing, they’ve also added a visual dimension and
stage design to get people immersed into theur universe and offer a singular trip...
They now combine live and dj act and they feel depending of the invitation.

Over the years Masomenos studio has mooved to four different locations. The recording
studio keeps on evolving following their artistic and musical projects. A stimulating
environment dedicated to the music allowing them to create and escape.
Now in transit from STUDIO HC - that was located at Hôtel Costes - to their new countyside studio
their playground is made of various analog
and digital instruments allowing us to compose, record,
mix and master our own music but also to record live musician.
Musical curation is a natural prerequisite for becoming a dj. And it’s a great pleasure for Masomenos to curate playlists for hôtel costes as STUDIO HC, in collaboration with wym.